General Troubleshooting
How to resolve common issues with Product Rentals Pro
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The rental widget says "Variant is not available" and the calendar doesn't appear, when I select an option on the product page.
When going to the Product page on your website, either 1 or all variants show a message of "Variant is not available" and the rental calendar doesn't load.
Possible Resolution 1:
The product hasn't been imported into Product Rentals Pro. Follow instructions below to import it and configure it:
Importing Products Configuring Products
Possible Resolution 2:
The product/variant has not had Units set yet, or the Units are set to zero. Go to Configure Product and enter the number of units you have of each option listed in the Units table. See Configuring Products for details.
Possible Resolution 3:
If Shopify believes your product is unavailable, you might also see this message. This would be the case if you have "Inventory Tracking" set to on for the product, but the available inventory is less than 1. We recommend turning off Inventory Tracking on all rental products in Shopify.
When I go to configure a product, my duration option appears as a column in the Units table, and no options appear in the Durations table.
On the Configure Product screen, the options that appear as columns in the Units table and the options that appear as columns in the Durations table are controlled on the Options & Variants Settings screen.
Just go to this screen and then change the toggle for your duration option(s) to Affects Duration, and Save. Now when you return to the Configure Product screen, your duration option should appear as a column in the Durations table only.
I can't remove my existing booking app from my product page template.
Modern Shopify apps will typically use theme blocks for their on-page widgets. If this is the case, then it should be as simple as going to your relevant product page template, selecting the box containing the widget and then, clicking the Trash can icon which appears below.
However some apps use app embeds. App embeds run on every page of your website, and when it comes to rentals, they automatically place themselves into a spot on your product page.
Some apps might not use theme blocks OR app embeds. They may just be directly embedded into the code of your theme.
How to remove an app that uses App Embeds
Locate the relevant app embed in the list and switch the toggle to the "off" position. This should remove the app's rental widget from the product page template.
Remember to click Save at the top right of screen to persist any changes.
How to remove an app that is directly embedded into your theme code
Depending on the app and how it's been implemented, you might need the help of a developer to remove app's widget from your product page template.
A typical place it could exist is in your layout/theme.liquid file. Search for a line such as:
This may be enough to disable the app from displaying the rental widget on your product pages.
If you'd like assistance from the Product Rentals Pro team, contact us here.
Feel free to provide us with a collaborator code so we can request access to your store. Shopify provides instructions for this at the link below:
I don't see the option for App Blocks within the theme editor so I can't add the PRP Rental Widget into my product page template.
App Blocks are only supported under Shopify Online Store 2.0. If you aren't seeing an option for App Blocks within the theme editor, then your theme is probably not an Online Store 2.0 theme.
Online Store 2.0 was launched in 2021, so the vast majority of stores have upgraded their theme (or switched) to a version that supports Online Store 2.0.
Unfortunately there are no workarounds for Product Rentals Pro. If you don't currently use an Online Store 2.0 theme, you'll need to upgrade or switch theme to be able to use Product Rentals Pro. If you're unsure if your theme is supported, feel free to get in touch.
I received a double booking (or overlapping booking)
Unfortunately, rentals for the same dates or with overlapping dates/buffers are possible in some unique circumstances.
We have a separate page that explains why, and what can be done about it, at the link below.
I'm seeing a "_prp_id" on line items within the Cart
The _prp_id is a line item property added to each item added to the Cart via the PRP Rental Widget. It's required to support various parts of functionality offered by Product Rentals Pro.
Because it starts with an underscore, it is supposed to be a "hidden" line item property in Shopify, which is why it doesn't appear in the Checkout. However, when it comes to the Cart page, theme designers/developers still need to put into into their theme code to hide any properties that start with an underscore. This should be the case for the vast majority of themes available via the Shopify Theme Store, but designers of some custom themes may have forgotten to do this.
Basically you need to replace the code in your theme that outputs the line item properties to include a check for the first character. Below is a example liquid code that can be tailored to work within your theme.
Last updated