Blackout Form Fields & Options

A description of each of the fields in the Blackout form

Use this guide when creating a new Blackout or editing an existing Blackout in Product Rentals Pro. To learn more about what Blackouts are and when to use them, click here.

Blackout Form Fields


A name for the Blackout so that you and your team members know what it's there for. Some examples might include "Winter 2024 Holidays Closure" or "Spring 2024 Marketing Campaign Photo Shoot".

Start Date

The date the Blackout will start.

End Date

The date the Blackout will end.

Applies to

EIther "All Products" or "Specific Products".

"All Products" means all rentals across your whole store will be shown in the rental widget calendar as being unavailable.

"Specific Products" will show a Product picker, allowing you to select specific Products and Variants for which to block out dates for.


The Products & Variants to include in the Blackout. Click "Add Product" to open the Product picker, where you can search for the Products to include. If the Product you select has Variants, a "Select Variant" link will appear beneath the Product title after you've added it to your Blackout.

Please note that even if only one item is unavailable, you may still need to select multiple Variants for the Blackout, as it may be available for multiple durations.

For example, if your Adult Size, Blue bike is in for repair, and your store offers 1 day, 2 day or 3 day rentals for that bike, you will need to select the "Adult / Blue / 1 Day" Variant, as well as the "Adult / Blue / 2 Day" and "Adult / Blue / 3 Day" Variants for the Blackout.

Last updated