Supported Languages

The languages currently supported by Product Rentals Pro

Product Rentals Pro automatically translates to the following languages:

  • English

  • Danish

  • French

  • German

  • Greek

  • Icelandic

  • Italian

  • Spanish

The app will automatically update text such as warning messages, button texts and more.

Other texts are configurable by you, so you can set them in the language you require. This includes things such as variant names, delivery method names, start and end date labels and text blocks above and below the calendar. These are either set in the PRP Admin (Settings > Rental Settings) or in the Theme Customizer (select the PRP Rental Widget to see the configuration options available).

If you require a language not listed above, please let us know! We can usually add new languages quite easily and we should be able to deploy it to the live app within a couple of days!

Last updated