Blocking dates in the availability calendar for specific Products or your whole store
Last updated
Blocking dates in the availability calendar for specific Products or your whole store
Last updated
There may be reasons where you want to block certain dates in the availability calendar so that a customer can't rent items across those dates. This is often referred to as a "blackout dates", or in Product Rentals Pro, simply Blackouts.
A Blackout is the blocking of dates for any reason that isn't a rental. In Product Rentals Pro, a Blackout can be across your whole store, or it can be for selected Products and Variants. Some examples for why you might create a Blackout, include:
Your store is closed for a couple of weeks across the Christmas & New Year period. You aren't accepting pickups and aren't dispatching postal rentals over this period.
A Product is out-of-action for a while, due to needing repair or a parts replacement. You have a good idea how long what will take, so you create a Blackout for this Product/Variant for the expected dates.
You or a staff member will be using a Product for personal use for a period of time (however, you may decide it's better to put this through as a manual rental).
A number of your Products are required for a marketing photo shoot over a couple of set days
Go to "Blackouts" from the Product Rentals Pro app menu
Click the "Add Blackout" button at the top right of screen
Complete the Blackout form fields and Save.
For an explanation of each of the form fields in the Blackout form, see:
Blackout Form Fields & OptionsGo to "Blackouts" from the Product Rentals Pro app menu
Click the name of the Blackout you wish to Edit.
Update the Blackout form fields and Save.
Go to "Blackouts" from the Product Rentals Pro app menu
Click the name of the Blackout you wish to Delete.
The confirmation dialog pops up asking if you're sure you want to delete. Click Delete to proceed.
Update the Blackout form fields and Save.
Once the Blackout form screen loads, click the Delete Blackout button at the top right of screen.