
Preparing and dispatching your rental Orders

Each business will have their own way that they like to process fulfillments / dispatch of rental Orders.

We don't prescribe how this is done, but we do have a screen dedicated to supporting this function, which includes ability to print out selected rentals so it can be taken to a dispatch area if required.

The screen can be accessed by clicking Fulfillment from the Product Rentals Pro main app menu.

The screen orders and groups rentals either by the rental start date or the buffer start date. The idea is that it shows you which rentals need to be dispatched to the customer, or expected to be collected by a customer, in the coming days.

Features of the Fulfillment Screen

Date Range & Group By

Select the number of days into the future to look for fulfillments and have rentals put into groups, either by rental start date or by buffer start date.


The filters at the top of the screen allow you to narrow the list of rentals by Rental Status or Delivery Method (e.g. post, pick-up or local delivery).

The Rental Status filter allows you to exclude any rentals you've already marked as Dispatched, as well as any rentals that have been Cancelled.

Show Buffers

The Show buffers checkbox at the top of screen toggles whether buffers are displayed on each rental in the Fulfillment rentals list. This can help you determine what date to dispatch, but is dependent on you having appropriate buffers set up and manually adjusted where appropriate.

Whilst helpful, they may be distracting to some, so you can easily toggle them off with the Show buffers toggle.

Switch to Table/Card View

The rental list screens in Product Rentals Pro (Rentals, Fulfillments and Returns) all allow you to view rentals in two ways - 1) in a table, and 2) as cards.

You can choose and toggle between these at your leisure, depending on whether you want to see more or less information about each rental in the list. Product Rentals Pro will remember your last selection for each of the rental list screens and default to that view when you return to that list.


The Print button at the top right of screen launches your browser's Print dialog, allowing you to print the list that you've filtered.

This can then be taken to a packing station or warehouse so that dispatch of items can be prepared.

The print feature automatically hides certain parts of the screen that aren't intended for printing.

Status Update buttons (Card View only)

When using Card View, each rental has an Update link beside the current rental status badge. This allows you to quickly update the status of the rental without needing to go the the rental detail page/form. For example, you can very quickly update the status from Confirmed to Dispatched as soon as you've prepared a rental for dispatch.

Fulfillment / Tracking Details (Card View only)

When using Card View, each rental has a section on the right side of the card that relates to fulfillment of the Order / rental.

If the rental is one that's linked to a Shopify Order, then the information will come directly from Shopify, and includes the Fulfillment Status and the most recent Tracking Number entered for the Order.

If it's a manual rental, not linked to a Shopify Order, it will display the Tracking Number entered directly against the rental, if it has been entered.

Last updated