Linking/Unlinking from a Shopify Order
Attach or detach a rental in Product Rentals Pro to/from a Shopify Order
Last updated
Attach or detach a rental in Product Rentals Pro to/from a Shopify Order
Last updated
Rentals created by a customer placing a rental Order via your website/store are automatically linked with the Shopify Order they're created from. This means that:
Certain data (such as delivery address, customer email, etc) used and displayed on the rental comes directly from that Order and will stay in sync if any changes are made to the Order.
Fulfillments made on the Order will be captured against the rental, making the Fulfillments screen much more useful.
You may want to unlink (or detach) the rental from the Shopify Order, so that you can enter data against the rental manually, such as the delivery address and delivery tracking.
To unlink a rental from it's Shopify Order:
Go to the Rental Detail screen
Click the "More Actions" button at the top right of screen, and then select Unlink from Shopify Order
Confirm you want to unlink the rental by clicking Unlink in the confirmation dialog.
For manually created rentals (done directly within the Product Rentals Pro admin area), you have the choice of creating a Shopify Order with it, which automatically gets linked to the rental. You also have the option of not creating a Shopify Order with it, in which case the rental won't be linked to a Shopify Order.
The only other reason a rental may not already be linked to a Shopify Order is if you've chosen to unlink it per the first section of this page.
You might decide you want to link the rental to an Order later on. This will allow you to leverage Shopify functionality for fulfillments (e.g. entering tracking) as well as any other Shopify apps you have installed which leverage this information (for example, shipping apps).
You can link a rental to a Shopify Order by following these steps:
Go to the Rental Detail screen
Click the "More Actions" button at the top right of screen, and then select Link to Shopify Order
A dialog box appears, asking you to enter a Shopify Order Number. This is the common order number displayed against the Order within Shopify. It is usually seen with a hash (#) in front of it, but the hash shouldn't be entered.
Click Link to link the rental to the Order specified.
After completion, the Rental Detail screen will update showing the box with data pulled from the Order (delivery address, fulfillment data) as well as the Linked to Shopify badge.
Note that a rental can only ever be linked to a single Shopify Order.
If a rental is already linked to a Shopify Order, you won't be able to link it to a different Order unless you unlink it first.
A Shopify Order can be linked to multiple rentals. This is because an Order could be placed for rental items with vastly different rental dates. Product Rentals Pro creates a separate rental record for each different set of rental dates within a customer's Order.