Automated Rental Status Updates
How updates to Shopify Orders/Fulfillments affect the status of Rentals in PRP
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How updates to Shopify Orders/Fulfillments affect the status of Rentals in PRP
Last updated
Product Rentals Pro does a great job of telling you what Fulfillments are coming up based on rental dates (and buffers). However most of your Fulfillments will still be done on the Shopify Order screen or in another Fulfillments app, such as ShipStation or Ricemill.
Regardless of how it's done, as long as it results on Fulfillments being recorded on the Shopify Order, it will automatically impact the status of the rental in Product Rentals Pro.
When there are changes to Order Fulfillments (or an Order is Cancelled) in Shopify, the following logic applies to the rentals linked to the Order:
Fulfillment Created
At least 1 Fulfillment line item (product/variant) overlaps with items in the rental — OR — The order is completely fulfilled (not partially fulfilled)
If present, Rental Tracking Number and Tracking Link updated to that of the Fulfillment
Fulfillment Cancelled
There are no other valid Fulfillments on the Order — OR — At least 1 Fulfillment line item (product/variant) overlaps with items in the rental
Tracking Number and Link added to existing Fulfillment
At least 1 Fulfillment line item (product/variant) overlaps with items in the rental — OR — The Order is completely fulfilled (not partially fulfilled), and it only has 1 Fulfillment.
If present, Rental Tracking Number and Tracking Link updated to that of the Fulfillment
Order Cancelled
A situation where these updates could cause an issue is if the exact same product/variant is in an order twice, with each forming part of two separate rentals. In this instance, it isn't easy for us to determine which Order line item relates to which rental. Rental dates may have been updated since the time the Order was created, so this can't be relied upon to determine this. This is probably a rare scenario, but keep an eye out for it and let us know if it becomes a common problem for your store.
There are a couple of spots within Product Rentals Pro where we will simply display the Fulfillments and/or Fulfillment Status of the linked Order. These are:
The grey Order box on the Rental Detail screen
The grey Order panel on the right hand side of a rental when using Card View on any of the rentals list screens (Rentals, Fulfillments or Returns)
These will at all times show the details from the Shopify Order. So, as an example, a rental may have a status of Dispatched but the Order Fulfillment status on the Order panel of a rental card, might say the Fulfillment is "Partial", if there are any unfulfilled items on the Order.
Another example is that the grey Order box on the Rental Detail screen will show all Fulfillments for the linked Order, even if the Fulfillment does not include the line items of the rental.
You can consider the grey Order box on the Rental Detail screen, and the grey Order panel on the right side of a rental card, as a window into the linked Shopify Order, with information that can't be changed by a user within Product Rentals Pro.
Rental status is not or
Rental status becomes
Rental status is
Rental status becomes
Rental status becomes