Blocking Checkout Shipping/Pick-up options based on the option selected on the Product page

Dealing with product page & checkout delivery method conflicts

Product Rentals Pro can show customers different availability in the rental calendar, depending on whether the customer selects Pickup, Post or Courier on the product page. This is a huge benefit of using Product Rentals Pro when it comes to physical product rental businesses.

Unfortunately though, it's not possible for us to force the same selection when the customer gets to the Checkout. That's because there are limits to what can be controlled at the Checkout step in Shopify. Merchants using Shopify Plus have a lot more flexibility here, but most merchants using Product Rentals Pro aren't using (and can't afford) Shopify Plus.

To help with this, we notify you of any conflicts, but there's also a couple of additional improvments you could make on your own.

Automated Notification from PRP

Product Rentals Pro automatically sends an email to you, advising you of a conflict between the delivery method selected on the product page and the one selected at Checkout. The email contains links directly to the Order & Rental, so you can quickly access them and see if the conflict causes an issue. If any adjustments or cancellations need to be made, you can reach out to the customer to let them know, or offer an alternative solution.

The majority of PRP customers operate fine without any further changes. However, here are a couple of other ways the situation could be improved, if you find it's problematic.

Add a Note on the Rental Widget

In your text under the calendar (a configuration option of the Rental Widget), add a note for the 'Post' option such as:

Please ensure to select Post when you get to Checkout or your order may be cancelled

A similar message can be added to the other delivery methods you have active in Product Rentals Pro, if required.

Implement Checkout Rules through a 3rd Party App

Using a 3rd party app such as BSure Checkout Rules you can implement rules in your Checkout to hide particular delivery methods based on the line item properties of items in the Cart. PRP automatically adds the delivery method selected on the Product page as a line item property.

In Bsure Checkout Rules, you would:

  • Create a new rule and select Hide Shipping Methods as the type

  • Target "Pick Up"

  • Set up a condition where Line item property, "Delivery Method", Has any of these values, and then enter the name of your Post delivery method as it appears on the PRP Rental Widget on your site.

  • For Then hide pickup methods using.... select Hide all pickup methods

You could also do the inverse rule for hiding shipping methods when the Pickup option has been selected on the Product page.

You should Update your Theme Content so that the error message shown by Shopify when there are no pickup methods to select is more meaningful. The ones to update are below:

Theme Content
Example Message

Checkout & System > Checkout shipping errors shipping method not available generic > One

You've selected Pickup as your chosen option when you added to Cart, which affects the availability calendar. You can either check out by selecting the "Pickup in store" option, or go back, remove the item from your Cart and re-add it using the Post option on the product page.

Checkout & System > Checkout order summary > No pickup location

Pick up locations aren't shown if you selected Post as your delivery method before adding rental items to your Cart. It may also be not shown if you've entered an address that's too far from our store in [City], [State].

You would replace [City], [State] with your store location(s).

If set up correctly, then when a customer reaches Checkout after having selected the Pickup method on the Product page, they will see this:

When a customer reaches Checkout after having selected the Post method on the Product page, they will see this:

Last updated