Features Coming Soon

A list of planned features that will be added to Product Rentals Pro in the coming months

Below is a list of some of the features that we plan to make available within Product Rentals Pro in the coming months.

None of them are guaranteed, and our priorities or direction may change at any time, but we like to keep you in the loop, to help you with planning, and also to get feedback on what's most important to you.

Please do let us know if you're really hanging out for any of these, but also if you have any other ideas that for features that will help your business's workflow, efficiency or sales.

Your feedback on items in the list below may just result in us fast-tracking a feature or bumping it up our internal priority list (though please note that the list below is in no particular order).

  • SMS support for more countries.

  • Custom fields added to the Rental Widget, so you can capture additional information from your customers as part of the rental.

  • Floating countdown timer for how long a customer has to complete their checkout before an item is removed from their Cart.

  • Proper "reservations" - i.e. holding an item if someone has placed in their Cart, by blocking the calendar for any other customers looking to rent the item (will be optional).

  • Overlap Report - see if any of your existing rentals/buffers overlap with each other, representing rentals which may cause issues in terms of turnaround time or on-time fulfillment.

  • HTML Formatting on automated email notifications.

  • What else do you want to see? Make a suggestion

Last updated