Configure Product Options
Onboarding - Step 3
Last updated
Onboarding - Step 3
Last updated
In this Onboarding step, we'll set each of the Options from the Product imported in the previous step as either affecting "Units" or affecting "Duration". Then we'll go back to the imported Product and update it's Units and Durations.
First, go to Settings from the Product Rentals Pro main app menu, and then select "Options & Variants". You'll see a screen like below.
Simply select "Units" for any Options that affect the quantity you have of an item. For example, Options such as Size, Colour and Style would normally impact the quantity you have of each, so for these Options, you would select "Affects Units".
As explained in Onboarding Step 2 - Import a Product, you will have likely also created an Option on the imported Product to represent the number of days which the Product can be rented for. This might be called "Rental Duration", "Rental Period" or something similar. For this Option, select "Affects Duration".
Once you've selected either Units or Duration for each Option listed, click Save. You can leave the "Exclusions" part of the form untouched.
Now we can go back to the Product and configure it.
Each of the Options that affect Units will appear in the "Units" table. Enter the quantity of each combination of option values that you have as part of your rental inventory or collection.
In the "Duration" table, we'll enter the number of days that apply to each of the option values for the duration option.
Click Save to finish configuring the Product
This has been a brief overview of configuring Options & Variants, and configuring a Product, as part of our quick-start/Onboarding process.
For a detailed guide on how to use the Options & Variants Settings screen, and the Configure Product screen, you can check out the pages below.
Go to Products in the Product Rentals Pro main app menu, then go to the box for the imported Product and click "Configure Product".